Blood clot health risk or thrombosis medical illustration symbol as a group of human blood cells clumped together by sticky platelets and fibrin as a blockage in an artery or vein leading to the heart with 3D illustration elements.

According to the American Society of Hematology, coagulation or blood clothing is a significant process when a blood vessel is injured because it prevents excessive bleeding. The proteins in your plasma, or the liquid part of blood, and a type of blood cell called platelets form a clot over the injury by working together to stop the bleeding. It’s important to note that clots can occur in arteries or veins, which are part of the body’s circulatory system, by existing as vessels.  

Research shows that the risk factors for a venous clot to be developed are different from those for an arterial clot. As a result, those people who are at risk for getting one are not necessarily at risk for getting the other. Additionally, blood clots are also known as thrombi. They form when our blood components, such as fibrin and platelets, create a gel-like mass. These clots impede the normal flow of blood when they occur within blood vessels, potentially resulting in severe medical conditions. Therefore, you must be aware of the possible symptoms you might have because of a blood clot. 

Blood clot health risk or thrombosis medical illustration symbol as a group of human blood cells clumped together by sticky platelets and fibrin as a blockage in an artery or vein leading to the heart with 3D illustration elements.